Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Gavin's First Haircut

Gavin got his first real haircut just in time for Kristen & Brandon's wedding and all of the Christmas pictures to follow. I had take the buzz clippers to him only once before, and he looked so bald because his hair is so light. I thought it better to let a professional do it this time. He sat still the entire time, and had plenty of Mickey mouse stuff to look at while he sat in the race car.

Checking out the car before they got started. Yes, we were definitely due for a haircut!!

1 comment:

  1. I got Hannah's hair cut professionally the first time, but I've done it myself every time after that. I'm too cheap to shell out the money, but I have to do something about her horrible mullet!

    Gavin's haircut is styling! Perfect for the wedding and Christmas pictures!
