Thursday, May 27, 2010

4 days to go....

I'm only 4 days away from my scheduled C-section, and really starting to go stir-crazy. I had kept hoping that I would go into labor sooner & not have to spend the 3-day weekend at home waiting, but have since given up hope that things will progress any sooner than planned. I don't think all the castor oil, foot rubs, and walking in the world can make this baby come out any sooner.

Gavin is getting very excited now that his paper chain is down to enough links that he can count them all by himself...he insists that the babies bed should be in his room, so we may have a little fight about that when we move the bassinet back into our room. After a few nights of the baby crying, surely he will change his mind about wanting to share a room.

To help kill the time this weekend, I'm hoping to find as much fun stuff for the 3 of us to do as possible. In lieu of our usual garage sales on saturday, Gavin will be competing in a fishing contest, which I would imagine will be pretty funny. Maybe if he has good luck there, he'll be asked to go on the Pim boys fishing trip, as they never seem to catch anything (except a lot of slack from the wives they leave behind...)

Unfortunately, none of the area pools are open yet, but we may have to get a kiddie one with how hot it will be. Would be nice to lounge in a pool at least once this summer, not sure how much I'll get too post-surgery.

Next post, you should see some pictures of the newest Reed Boy!!!


  1. So excited to meet your new little one!! Try and enjoy your last weekend as a family of 3. Easier said than done. He's almost here.

  2. For some reason I had May 29th in my head for your c-section. We drove through Macomb yesterday on our way to the Mississippi River for the holiday weekend and I almost had Nate convinced to call Barry to see if we could visit you in the hospital! I must be really anxious for your baby to arrive since I was a few days early! Can't wait to see news of the baby's safe arrival! Good luck! We'll be saying lots of prayers for all of you!
