Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gavin's First Snowman

We had Lincoln's Birthday off from work, so we got to take Gavin out to enjoy the snow a little bit on a day that wasn't dangerously cold.
He wanted to build a mommy snowman, daddy snowman, and Gavin snowman, but we decided we really only had time for one snowman. I'd forgotten how hard it is to roll a big ball when you don't have snow pants on, so instead I used a shovel, and our snowman is more like a snow-hill.

I ran inside to get the snowman a hat, cause the one we see on our drive to daycare has a hat, but he didn't want the snowman to wear his hat, so he took it back right away.

His absolute favorite is sliding down the slide into a big pile of snow, it is funny to watch him try to get up once he gets to the bottom!

We also had to get a picture of him with the new sign in our yard. We have one of me about 7 months pregnant with the sold sign out front from when we first moved here.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

24 Weeks, 1 Day

Today is the day!
Possibly the most exciting day until the baby comes, we get to have a sonogram and see if we are having a boy or girl. This will be the first and maybe the only appt. that Gavin can come along to, so it will be fun to see his face when they put the baby on the screen. I don't know if that will help things sink in or not.
Doctors sure are sneaky, as a bribe to make sure you come in for that nasty glucose test they put it on the same day as your sonogram. So, this morning after 9 hours of starving myself, I drank their lemon-lime sugar potion, and sat in the waiting room for over an hour on the verge of passing out, so that they could get my blood tested. Lucky for me, Gavin didn't have to wait that entire time with us or he would have gone crazy!!! Our sono isn't until 2 PM today, so I'll try to concentrate on work for a few hours before heading back over there.
We're thinking at this point we want to keep it a secret, but may end up spilling the baby's gender eventually, especially if Gavin starts talking about it.

On a side note, we had someone interested in seeing our house yesterday, only 4 days after it hit the market! That was very encouraging!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Go Western!!!

Gavin has really gotten into WIU Basketball. We watch the games on TV and have taken him twice. He mostly watches Rocky walk around, updating us every 20 sec. on where Rocky is and when he is dancing or being silly. He likes doing "tickle fingers" when we shoot free throws. Last time he even brought Tigger along to meet Rocky, but unfortunately he didn't walk over to our section, so they didn't get to meet.

Please disregard my face!!

Baby Bump 21 Weeks!

I hadn't started taking belly pictures yet, cause I really didn't have much to show off, but I got several comments after wearing this sweater that my sister sent me, so I thought it was time. Gavin doesn't actually touch the belly in a sweet way, he was trying to tickle me. It looks like I'm trying to stick my belly out, but I really just stand like that with my knees locked, just horrible posture...