Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gavin's First Snowman

We had Lincoln's Birthday off from work, so we got to take Gavin out to enjoy the snow a little bit on a day that wasn't dangerously cold.
He wanted to build a mommy snowman, daddy snowman, and Gavin snowman, but we decided we really only had time for one snowman. I'd forgotten how hard it is to roll a big ball when you don't have snow pants on, so instead I used a shovel, and our snowman is more like a snow-hill.

I ran inside to get the snowman a hat, cause the one we see on our drive to daycare has a hat, but he didn't want the snowman to wear his hat, so he took it back right away.

His absolute favorite is sliding down the slide into a big pile of snow, it is funny to watch him try to get up once he gets to the bottom!

We also had to get a picture of him with the new sign in our yard. We have one of me about 7 months pregnant with the sold sign out front from when we first moved here.

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