Thursday, March 18, 2010

Baby Coming June 1st!

We met with our Nurse Practitioner and discussed our options for a VBAC or scheduling another C-section, and the consensus we reached was the C-section would be the safest route to go. She put my odds at 25-30% of having a successful VBAC, so we all agreed it wasn't worth it (especially being they have shortened the amount of time mom & baby have to be separated, I can now hold the baby 20 min. after rather than the 2 hours I waited last time!) We then had the chance to get another sonogram where we saw that the baby is sitting breach, so that sort of sealed it for me (this baby has not rolled or moved like Gavin did, he/she has stayed put for over 3 months). The pictures we got our really funny cause it's feet & hands were up above it's head so he/she must be very flexible!! Also, looked like this baby has a skinny nose, so we may have dodged the Smith Family nose once again, but I guess we'll see.
The C-section is tentatively scheduled for June 1st which is right after Memorial Day weekend, but there is a small chance they would move it up to the Friday before Memorial Day depending on what the hospital's surgery schedule looks like around that time. That means I only have 3 dr. appts. left until we get to meet this little guy/gal. Just this last month it has actually felt real, because it took me this long to gain weight & really get a baby bump going. I gained almost 9 pounds this past month, which was a welcome change to the 1-2 I had gained every month previously. I think I'll still end up smaller than I was with Gav, but that is fine by me!! Baby is almost 3 lbs. right now.
Gavin is starting to catch on now, and talks to his baby. Whenever I lift up my shirt to show him the baby, he kisses it or talks to it (usually just gibberish, but with the tone of voice as if he is yelling at the baby because it is trouble.) He still talks about the sono. appt. from over a month ago where the dr. put that yucky stuff on my tummy & he was crying at the doctor. He doesn't like that dr. too much, haha.
I'm thinking now is a good time to start digging through the old baby clothes, sorting & re-washing everything. He will really enjoy that!!
Nothing new on the house selling front, so I'm getting used to the idea that we may still be here when the baby comes, although it's still 2.5 months away...


  1. Wow! I can't believe that it is so close to Baby Reed's arrival! Your pregnancy has flown by (at least to the casual observer!...I'm sure it hasn't seemed that way to you!) Have fun nesting and getting stuff ready...that was one of my favorite parts of preparing for Hannah's arrival!

  2. Can't believe you are already counting down to baby's arrival. It always goes fast when you aren't the one pregnant! Excited for your new addition to your family. Can't believe you are able to keep the gender a secret. Hope your house sells soon.
