Monday, November 23, 2009

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

After the National Missionary Convention, we are able to take Gavin to see Playhouse Disney live in Concert. We didn't even know the show was coming to Peoria, but as we were packing up our booth on Sunday afternoon, we saw them setting up their kiosks. Gavin was so well-behaved all weekend, minus a few mealtime issues, we just had to take him.
He really didn't know what was going on, and thought he was just there to see all the toys for sale and the big pictures of Handy Manny and Mickey Mouse.
Here are some photos of the show.

Gavin checking out the Handy Manny tools, that may have to go on his Christmas list.


Gavin and Daddy before the show, only a brief nap, so it took him awhile to wake up.



 Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy. Everytime one of the characters went off Gavin would point and laugh and say "Tigger hiding mommy." From the very first scene where you see Mickey, Gavin was saying that Goofy was hiding.


Gavin at intermission, he has finally decided he is excited.


The big Finale.


Hate to admit it, but as the lights came back on and we got ready to go, I started to tear up. He was really getting into it, and it was fun to watch him. He's growing up so fast, and I can't seem to pack enough fun surprises into the time we have. Glad we had this opportunity to rock his socks!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Baby on Board

So, today is the day we tell the world that Gavin is getting a baby sista or budder. He's been saying sista, but really has no idea what he's talking about. He thinks the baby is in his belly.
To read all the progress, you'll have to go back to the first post I made over a month ago when this blog was started.
We are so excited to be on this journey again, now to just get the house finished!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

The end of all the secrets

This is the last time I will blog secretly about my pregnancy, as we plan to anounce the news to everyone after our appt. this coming Monday. When I was pregnant with Gavin, we really enjoyed having a little secret to ourselves, but this time around, I am hating keeping it to myself. I think I just need the excitement of others to help me get revved up for this unexpected surprise and help me relax a little bit about all the things we have to get ready before he/she comes. It will help my controlling side to know exactly when the baby will come this time, but I'm really not looking forward to another C-section already. I think the worst part is having to wait so long to hold my baby, they wheel you up to recovery, after only a glimpse at the baby. My absolute worst fear is that something can go wrong in the first 90 min. that the baby is out, but I am not with him/her. Daddy gets to be there, at least.

I've been having a few weird symptoms lately, aside from the regular nausea and exhaustion...

I have had multiple dreams that Barry dies while I am pregnant with this baby, and (here's the weird part) the board at CSC sits around trying to come up with who will be my new husband to take care of me & the 2 kids, and will also take Barry's job. The worst part is they are always deciding this, while I sit behind one of those one-way mirrors like they have in the cry rooms at churches. I'm watching them discuss different men, as if this is Biblical days and they are deciding who my kinsman redeemer will be. I've had this dream 4-5 times, and it's always the same 2-3 boys that are up for the job. What a weird dream?? The stranger the dream, the more I will have it. I usually wake up crying or just really angry at the world.

I've also felt bloated more than ever, as if a giant balloon (like one of those punch balls) is in my abdomen and crowding everything out. I am short of breath very easily, and having a harder & harder time with some of my clothes. No one can tell that I'm showing (not even Barry), but man I can feel it.

I've been super-emotional the last week or so. One day I cried 4 times, which is very unlike me, especially when nothing is wrong. 3 of those times were sappy commercials, which is really strange. Not feeling particularly sad or anything, my eyes just tear up all the time for some reason.

I'm really looking forward to my next post where I can make the big announcement!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Gamaw & Papaw are coming!

So, the last 3-4 days, I've been prepping Gavin for my parents & grandparents visit this weekend. It'll probably be the last time we see any of my family until Christmas.
Everytime I would mention gamaw & papaw are coming Friday, he would say "No, Mommy, Abry Don (Avery John)." I would have to remind him that Cousin Avery John was not coming this time, and we would see him at Christmas. Apparently, Grandma & Papa are just not as exciting as his boy cousin Avery. We'll see what he thinks when they finally arrive tonight; one of these days he'll realize that he gets more attention when he's the only grandchild around.

Avery & Gavin at Avery's First Birthday Last Month. They will definitely be trouble in a few years.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

October Fun!

Gavin ended up having 3 halloween costumes (which was a life-saver). We had bought him one (a garden gnome, it was histerical), he already had a cowboy getup from a garage sale, and someone gave us a Thomas the train outfit. On Wednesday night, after 4 changes, he decided to be a cowboy....the gnome beard was too itchy, and the Thomas too long on him. Barry made his own costume without my knowledge or approval.
So here are my cowboy (Gavin sometimes says Cowman, as if he is offended) and my big tool, I mean Hammer. Mommy had no costume, and whenever anyone asked I simply said "I'm a mom who spent over an hour getting the boy dressed, and has no time for her own costume."

The other night, we started raking up our leaves (or should I say our neighbors leaves, as we have no trees). The first time I threw Gavin on the pile, he got really upset, but after awhile he warmed up to it.
He mostly just kicked the pile around, and evertime I would re-rake it up for him. He would say "Dank you Mommy!"

Surprise from barry today. Almost 8 years later & still in love!!