Friday, November 6, 2009

Gamaw & Papaw are coming!

So, the last 3-4 days, I've been prepping Gavin for my parents & grandparents visit this weekend. It'll probably be the last time we see any of my family until Christmas.
Everytime I would mention gamaw & papaw are coming Friday, he would say "No, Mommy, Abry Don (Avery John)." I would have to remind him that Cousin Avery John was not coming this time, and we would see him at Christmas. Apparently, Grandma & Papa are just not as exciting as his boy cousin Avery. We'll see what he thinks when they finally arrive tonight; one of these days he'll realize that he gets more attention when he's the only grandchild around.

Avery & Gavin at Avery's First Birthday Last Month. They will definitely be trouble in a few years.

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