Monday, September 20, 2010

Cooper - 3 Months

Before time gets away from me, here's a 3 month update on Cooper....

He tried rice cereal for the first time on Sept. 5th.

It's going ok....
(the gibberish in the background is Gavin talking "baby talk")

He's over 11 pounds now, not sure on the exact number. Just now starting to fill out & eating like crazy right now. 4-5 oz. every 3 hours. We've started him on a little formula & been putting a little rice cereal in the bottles to try & keep him full. He is trying to hold his bottle on his own now, which is helpful when Gavin needs something. He also loves holding & chewing his chewy toy.

He also loves to suck his fingers. Pulls the passy out sometimes, just so he can suck on his hand.

He is starting to coo (sounds like "whoo" & "oww") & laugh but only in little spurts when he's being tickled. He smiles a lot though.

Mommy loves you so much & wants to know what all you have to say. So, go ahead & grow up really fast so we can talk some more, but then you have to promise to stop growing for a little bit. I'm not ready to have 2 big boys, so just be my chatty baby for awhile. It will be so much fun once you can tell me what you like & dislike.

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