Thursday, September 16, 2010

Grandma Pam

Grandma Pam has had some major improvements in the past week or so, she is finally off the ventilator for good this time. The trach (sp?) is out & she is talking great now. With this HUGE step forward, she seems to be more motivated & eager to move back home (still a ways away). She has been a little confused off & on about what her body is capable of doing; thinking she can get up & walk or use the bathroom, but it's been over 100 days that she's been confined to the hospital bed. I can't tell you how happy I am that she has been making progress; my worst fear was that she wouldn't improve to the point of being able to see Gavin & Cooper anymore. The hospital still won't let them back into her room, so we are eager to get her moved to a rehab. facility that will be more kid-friendly. Grandpa Jim brought her a birthday cake & we got to be there with her on Sat. for her birthday. of course, they didn't let her eat the cake, but Gavin dug into it & then the nursing staff also enjoyed it.
We are looking for more improvements in mobility & for her bed sores to heal up so we can get to see her more often. Right now the trips with both boys are tough as it takes all day to get there & back & Gavin gets restless in the waiting room, but we are so thankful that she is awake and getting back to her old self again!!

Looking forward to having a picture of her & the boys to post real soon!

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