Monday, September 20, 2010

Quotes from Gavin...

I've seen several of my blogging friends post funny quotes from their kids, and have always intended to give it a try. Being today is Barry's 31st birthday, I thought I'd stick to the theme of funny things Gavin has said to or about Barry in the past month or so....

* "Daddy, you don't kiss mommy on the mouth, I kiss mommy on the lips!" (this morning after Daddy's birthday kiss).

* "Mommy, you can't fly me in the sky when I be buzz lightyear." me: "why not?"(pretending to be disappointed) "Daddy has to fly me cause he's got bigger muscles like me!"

* "Mommy, how 'bout I take the paper chains off, so Daddy can come home today?" (last time Barry was at a conference, we use the paper chain to count down the days til he comes home, which has lead to the confusion that the chain actually causes daddy to come home.)

* "Daddy is a boy, cooper is a boy, and Gavin is a boy like me! Mommy you not a boy like me, you a girl like Aly." (the dog, gee, thanks for the reminder)

* On the way to the campus house for dinner: "Mommy, Daddy has to do working at his job?" Me: "yes, he's working at the campus house" Gav: yeah, he has to do his working on his 'puter (computer) at his office. He has to do a good job like me when I do a good job on the potty" Me: "yes, Gavin, Daddy does a good job on the potty too. (laughing)" Gav: "yeah, he's a good job."

* "Mommy! Daddy need dis birfday card with the kitar (guitar) cause he plays his kitar at the campus house church!"

* "Daddy, you come to my carpet & I westel (wrestle) you! Grrrrr."

So, to sum up....Gavin's favorite things about Daddy are:
He plays the kitar at campus house church
He westles on the carpet
He is a boy
He has bigger muscles than me

Well, how can I compete with That!?!

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