Favorite Color: green
Favorite Book: The bears (Goldilocks and the three bears)
Favorite Song: Rudolph
Favorite Store: toy story
Favorite Game: my mobigo game with the doggy
Favorite Restaurant: McDonalds
Favorite Toy: Buzz Lightyear
Favorite Cartoon: Jonah with the whale
Favorite Food: pizza, and then chicken nuggets, and then ketchup & french fries.
Favorite Outdoor Activity:get my motorcycle and drive it.
Favorite Indoor Activity: play diego and sid and manny
Family Questions:
Who is in your family? drew and jeff and nate and lizzy, they're my favorite friends. (I think he really misunderstood the question).
What is your favorite thing about Daddy? working outside
What makes Daddy Happy? when I'm not gonna hit anybody, that will make him happy.
What job do you like to do with Daddy? at our house, and i work on it like daddy does with tools
What is something Daddy always says to you? don't hit somebody.
What is Daddy's job? he has to work at his office and then come pick me up at nikkie's. I think he wrestles me at his work then I FIGHT him.
How does Daddy make you laugh? he tickles me and I laugh
How do you know Daddy loves you? I hug him
What is you favorite thing about Mommy? work inside, in our house, cook food
What is Mommy really good at? at gavin, at daddy and gavin and aly and cooper, helping B & Kristen
What is Mommy's job? you eat your food, then say hello to Maggie, then say hello to your friends.
What makes Mommy happy? happy about good things and not bad things, when I do good things.
What job do you like to do with Mommy? cooking dinner
What is something Mommy always says to you? be good
How does Mommy make you laugh? tickle me and i laugh like daddy does it
What is the best thing about being a BIG brother? I'm a big brother, watch movies when I was a big boy
What is the hardest thing about being a BIG brother? when he pulls my hair
What do you like to teach Cooper? teach him how to wrestle me
Where is the best place our family has gone? the pancake breakfasts
General Questions:
What do you love to do? play with animals
Who is your best friend? mommy & cooper are my best friends & jeff & drew are my friends
What do you like to do with them? i like to play with jeff & drew
What do you want to be/do when you are big? play toys, go to campus house church, I'm going to marry to Daddy!
Why do you have to listen to Mom & Dad? when i hear somebody i listen to them
Where do we go to church? nothing aven twistin church (Maple Avenue Christian Church) & campus house church
What do you learn at church? Jesus & God & Bible
What is your favorite thing about church? to color
On reflection, I could have pushed him harder for more relevant answers or clarified the questions, but then his responses wouldn't have been so random and funny.
Love it! I'm stealing your idea. Owen would have some random ones too. :)