Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Funny Things....

Some days I think I have the funniest kid on the planet. Gavin said all of these jewels just today:

- Gav: I will go to campus house and see my friends and my girlfriend Cori. Me: your Girlfriend? she's your girlfriend. Gav: yeah, Cori is my girlfriend, but Amy just keeps kissing me all the time.

- Gav: I will take you home and make you a couch-bed, and some snow for you to eat, and your tummy will feel better. Me: awww, thanks buddy that will make me feel better. Gav: yeah, I will rub your tummy and get the snow for you.

- Gav: mom, can I have Toy Story milk for bedtime snack? Me: what's toy story milk? Gav: It's Toy Story 3 milk. Me: ok, but what is in it. Gav: It's milk with chocolate in it and we stir it in a bowl. Me: you mean like chocolate milk? Gav: yeah, can we have chocolate milk?

- Gav: Thank you for saying that to me, I like it when you say that to me. Me: say what? Gav: when you tell me "good job buddy" when I did that coloring thing (like an hour prior). I like it when you say that to me.

- Me: No Cooper you can't play with that puzzle. Gav: he can play with my puzzle, I will have to teach him to do it. Me: Well, he will just chew on the pieces and drool on it. Gav: he can just chew on them while I show him how to do it.

You can't really argue with his logic most of the time.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Interview with Gavin

Favorite Color: green

Favorite Book: The bears (Goldilocks and the three bears)

Favorite Song: Rudolph

Favorite Store: toy story

Favorite Game: my mobigo game with the doggy

Favorite Restaurant: McDonalds

Favorite Toy: Buzz Lightyear

Favorite Cartoon: Jonah with the whale

Favorite Food: pizza, and then chicken nuggets, and then ketchup & french fries.

Favorite Outdoor Activity:get my motorcycle and drive it.

Favorite Indoor Activity: play diego and sid and manny

Family Questions:
Who is in your family? drew and jeff and nate and lizzy, they're my favorite friends. (I think he really misunderstood the question).

What is your favorite thing about Daddy? working outside

What makes Daddy Happy? when I'm not gonna hit anybody, that will make him happy.

What job do you like to do with Daddy? at our house, and i work on it like daddy does with tools

What is something Daddy always says to you? don't hit somebody.

What is Daddy's job? he has to work at his office and then come pick me up at nikkie's. I think he wrestles me at his work then I FIGHT him.

How does Daddy make you laugh? he tickles me and I laugh

How do you know Daddy loves you? I hug him

What is you favorite thing about Mommy? work inside, in our house, cook food

What is Mommy really good at? at gavin, at daddy and gavin and aly and cooper, helping B & Kristen

What is Mommy's job? you eat your food, then say hello to Maggie, then say hello to your friends.

What makes Mommy happy? happy about good things and not bad things, when I do good things.

What job do you like to do with Mommy? cooking dinner

What is something Mommy always says to you? be good

How does Mommy make you laugh? tickle me and i laugh like daddy does it

What is the best thing about being a BIG brother? I'm a big brother, watch movies when I was a big boy

What is the hardest thing about being a BIG brother? when he pulls my hair

What do you like to teach Cooper? teach him how to wrestle me

Where is the best place our family has gone? the pancake breakfasts

General Questions:
What do you love to do? play with animals

Who is your best friend? mommy & cooper are my best friends & jeff & drew are my friends

What do you like to do with them? i like to play with jeff & drew

What do you want to be/do when you are big? play toys, go to campus house church, I'm going to marry to Daddy!

Why do you have to listen to Mom & Dad? when i hear somebody i listen to them

Where do we go to church? nothing aven twistin church (Maple Avenue Christian Church) & campus house church

What do you learn at church? Jesus & God & Bible

What is your favorite thing about church? to color

On reflection, I could have pushed him harder for more relevant answers or clarified the questions, but then his responses wouldn't have been so random and funny.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

At last...the baby blanket reveal!

So, I'm REALLY not a seamstress, but I've been inspired lately to create some really personalized gifts. With my new nephew coming, and a pile of about 15 reaceiving blankets accumulated from Gavin, Cooper, and cousins Addie & Avery, I went on a hunt for something I could make for my new baby nephew/niece. My baby sister Melissa (Melba), as the youngest of 3 has always had hand-me-downs in her wardrobe, so when I saw this tutorial on Green Apple Orchard I knew it was the perfect way to turn the hand-me-downs into something perfect for the newest baby cousin.
I won't give you the full step-by-step, as the blog tutorial explains it so much better than I could, but here are some pics along the way. Here are the 6 blankets i started with:

The hardest step was deciding which order to put all the squares in, just finally had to stop rearranging it or I would have never finished it in time.

I really don't know much about my sewing machine, so I had to read the manual to make sure the settings were right for flannel, and I still think I should have used a stronger stitch or thread, as some of them broke when it went through the wash. It is pretty dumby-proof though, just lots of sewing squares together.

For the back side, I just bought some green & brown that matched all the blankets & will match (hopefully) the green & brown nursery! After all the stitching was done, it was about 4 hours of snipping & a lot of hand-cramping.

Melba & Doron on christmas day, just 2 days before baby Micah Paul Jones arrived.

Happy Birthday Micah!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cooper - 5 Months

Cooper is still my little baby, only 14 lbs. in his last check up. He's still 75th percentile for height and 30th for weight and head. Gavin was 14 lbs. at his 3 mos. check-up, so it almost doesn't seem right that Cooper is 5 months already!!

I made fun of this hat when my sister first sent it, (what mother could be so cruel?) but once I saw it on him with his lil' overalls, I just couldn't resist.

This one of his profile makes me laugh, the poor kid has my chin (or lack of chin)an long neck.

Cooper is eating rice cereal & oatmeal, but loves my homemade sweet potatoes the best (Gav did too!). He wasn't a fan of the peas, but I really DID try to make him like them. Not too disappointed though, Gav & I hate them too!

He is really a happy baby, until his tummy is giving him trouble. He doesn't fuss much for gas, but his stools are a struggle sometimes. Probably just still getting used to the new veggies in his diet....Gavin still loves being a big brother, especially now that we can tickle Cooper and make him laugh or now that he watches Gavin playing, and smiles when he shows him his toys & how they talk. Gav also really likes when their shirts match.

Corn Maze & Barn Party

In addition to trunk or treat, trick or treating, and a halloween party, we managed to cram a trip to the Corn Maze and the annual Barn Party into our weekend. As you may have seen in my previous post, my camera is slowly dying so these pictures turned out really crummy until my friend Lindy fixed them in black & white.

Gavin's Aunt Kristie went to the maze with us, and initially we just all pretended to be lost in the corn, but then there was a little while that we really didn't know which way to go, and I lead us down the same dead-end twice. Gavin loved wandering the corn field, and picking the ears off the stalks!

Gavin made a little friend at the barn party, here she is trying to teach him the square dance that the students all did...she was very helpful in offering to take care of him cause he is a baby and "I am 8 now!" - haha, they had fun, Gav seems to find a girlfriend everywhere we go!

We also painted a pumpkin!

Happy Halloween!

This year, Gavin just had to be Buzz Lightyear, so we decided on a whole toy story theme.

I had received this ridiculous red wig by mistake (while ordering Gav's Buzz costume), and the seller insisted that it wasn't worth sending it back, so there you was fate.

We took Gavin out Friday night to trunk or treat at a local church, then to a few houses on Sunday and to the CSC Halloween Party. Now he has developed a cold, isn't that just part of the Halloween weekend festivities? Seems to be a tradition fo us anyway.

I really wanted to keep Cooper's costume simple, since it wasn't worth spending a lot when he doesn't care and would probably sleep through everything (I was right on that one). I looked for a baby horse costume, and never found one, so I just bought some cheap fabric and made him an alien hat. Gavin LOVED it! And I have to say, I felt a sense of pride in making my first ever halloween costume (yes, it was super-easy) for one of my boys.

I also made Barry & I's cowboy costumes. Already swimming with ideas for next years family costumes!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Happy Fall!

I took Gavin on a brief (it's getting dark so early) scavenger hunt to find things that look like Fall (stolen from a more savvy blogging momma). He doesn't quite understand the concept of seasons, so it was a bit of a process to get him to understand that fall is a season. We made a list of all the things that we should look for that look like fall (red, orange, brown leaves, pumpkins, scarecrows, orange anything, corn, etc.) Luckily we have two neighbors that have gotten all their decor. out, so it was only a short walk before we could find everything on our list. Sadly, we don't have any leaves falling in our own yard, but I'm sure the neighbors didn't mind that we snagged a few from their yards. Highlight of the trip for me was Gavin insisting on smelling all the leaves that we picked up. He also seemed to only pick up the crumpled, broken ones, even though I tried to explain that we would rather have the pretty, unbroken ones to take home. We're planning to do a leaf painting later this week, and hopefully get him out to the corn maze this weekend. After our walk, Gavin wanted to get a pumpkin, so the next day we made a routine trip to Walmart and found our pumpkins, even a little one for Cooper.

As much as I don't look forward to winter, it is nice that it is finally feeling like fall, and that Gavin is getting big enough to enjoy all the fun things of fall: hay rides, pumpkin carving, jumping in leaves, etc. etc.

Gavin and his buddies at day care, she has plenty of leaves to play in. Gavin suggested we could put some in the van to take to our house....haha