Monday, October 26, 2009

Gavin's Birthday

 For Gavin's 2nd Birthday, we met my family in Springfield for lunch and then went to an Open House at a Children's Ranch that some friends of ours have started. At the recommendation of a friend from Springfield, we made a reservation at "The Pizza Machine," really unsure what to expect. It was kind of like a chuck e. cheese, with an arcade, but not as crowded or noisy, and fun for bigger kids too. Here are some pictures from our day...


 Gavin opening presents. Addie helped a lot.

The giant alligator that was across from our table; Gavin thought it was great!!

 Cousin Avery squashing the "spiders" with gamaw.

Gavin on the swirly slide.

  Addie feeding the goats at the ranch, she wouldn't stop talking long enough to smile. She was determined that the goat was trying to eat her jacket after he took a little nibble of it.

 Gavin petting the horses, and pointing out all the poop that was yucky.

The week after Gavin's Birthday, we decided to finally have his birthday cake. He helped make it, and then ate most of it. He got to use his new birthday plate for the first time. This was his first time helping cook, and he thought he was such a big boy!

Gavin in mommy's old pampered chef apron....

 Helping mommy stir the battter.

 Can't keep his fingers out of the icing...

  Gavin & Daddy

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