Friday, October 2, 2009

To tell or not to Tell

I've been debating inside my own mind, when to start telling people that we are expecting. For many couples on their first pregnancy, the news is leaked the moment the stick turns pink, but somehow I am just too cautious for that. 

We have told Gavin, but of course he doesn't understand anything about it. Barry swears he will leak the news by pointing to my stomach and saying "mommy baby," but he still thinks he has a baby in his belly button too. 

We are anxious for the pregnancy to seem real, which doesn't happen until you get that first sonogram and everyone knows the news. I have a sonogram next week, which is earlier than most as a precaution due to my previous miscarriage, but still can't decide if once that appt. has past if we should feel at ease with sharing our news or go ahead and wait the entire first 12 weeks. It feels like forever to wait this time around. With Gavin, I LOVED having the secret just between the two of us, but can't stand it this time!!!

If I can convince Barry to let me spill it, we will probably start with my parents in a few weeks. But may still wait to let all of CSC know, and announce it to the world of facebook.

Also, I bought Gavin a package of goldfish crackers last week, and they expire on June 6, 2010, which got me really excited as that is our suspected due date.

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